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故事的背景在印度東南部靠海的城市清奈(Chennai),當姊妹倆 Viji 和 Rukku從父親家暴的陰影下逃出來後,才發現看似繁華的街道其實是難以討生活的,幸好,她們至少在橋下找到了安身之處,並結識了另外兩個男孩 Arul 和 Muthu,四個十歲上下的孩子們便組成了共患難的家庭,在垃圾場或街角尋找可以果腹的寶物,甚至當小偷,然而孩子們從來無法偷到屬於他們的幸福。

即使四個堅強的孩子一路走來,總是自立自強、不再依賴不可信的成年人,但當不可控的命運讓疾病接連纏上 Rukku和 Muthu,迫使他們必須做出選擇,是該冒著風險求助於陌生的大人,還是勉強維持著脆弱的自由,靜待命運的慈悲?

本書作者 Padma Venkatraman 出生於印度,在定居美國以前曾住過五個國家並從事海洋科學的工作。透過此小說創作,讀者們可以瞥見印度社會問題的一角,在世界的彼端有成千上萬無家可歸的孩子,正用生命掙扎地活著,有關兒童受虐、飢餓、疾病、居住、歧視、受教權等等議題,都需要我們的關注與思考,正因我們無法立即做出有效的改變,所以更需要讓難以發聲的弱勢不被忽視。

"Readers will be captivated by this beautifully written novel about young people who must use their instincts and grit to survive. Padma shares with us an unflinching peek into the reality millions of homeless children live every day but also infuses her story with hope and bravery that will inspire readers and stay with them long after turning the final page."--Aisha Saeed, author of the New York Times Bestselling Amal Unbound

Cover may vary.

Four determined homeless children make a life for themselves in Padma Venkatraman's stirring middle-grade debut.

Life is harsh in Chennai's teeming streets, so when runaway sisters Viji and Rukku arrive, their prospects look grim. Very quickly, eleven-year-old Viji discovers how vulnerable they are in this uncaring, dangerous world. Fortunately, the girls find shelter--and friendship--on an abandoned bridge. With two homeless boys, Muthi and Arul, the group forms a family of sorts. And while making a living scavenging the city's trash heaps is the pits, the kids find plenty to laugh about and take pride in too. After all, they are now the bosses of themselves and no longer dependent on untrustworthy adults. But when illness strikes, Viji must decide whether to risk seeking help from strangers or to keep holding on to their fragile, hard-fought freedom.

  • Format Paperback | 208 pages

  • Dimensions 129 x 194 x 14mm | 154g

  • Publication date 14 Apr 2020

  • Publisher Nancy Paulsen Books

  • Publication City/Country United States

  • Language English

  • Edition Statement Reprint

  • ISBN10 1524738131

  • ISBN13 9781524738136

  • Bestsellers rank 51,352




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