
First Grade Hands-On STEAM Learning


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這本基於 STEAM 的工作簿包含與成人相關的動手實驗和項目。 它以拼圖和活動為特色,讓孩子們在玩樂的同時進行批判性和創造性思維。

STEAM(科學、技術、工程、藝術和數學)學習鼓勵孩子們進行實驗和設計,犯錯誤並從中學習,成為問題解決者和批判性思考者——現在和終生。 亮點包括十幾個適合年齡的項目(使用常見的家居用品)以及孩子們可以自己做的活動。 為家長提供科學提示,沒有其他書籍將 STEAM 內容與謎題和幽默相結合,讓學習變得令人興奮和有趣。

This first grade, STEAM-based workbook features hands-on experiments and projects to do with an adult. It features puzzles and activities that get kids thinking critically and creatively while having fun.

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) learning encourages kids to experiment and engineer, to make mistakes and learn from them, and to be problem-solvers and critical thinkers--now and for life. Highlights includes more than a dozen age-appropriate projects (using common household products) as well as activities that kids can do on their own. With science tips for parents, no other book blends STEAM content with puzzles and humor to make learning exciting and fun.

  • Format Paperback | 48 pages

  • Dimensions 213 x 276 x 4mm | 128g

  • Publication date 09 Feb 2021

  • Publisher Astra Publishing House

  • Imprint Boyds Mills Press

  • Publication City/Country United States

  • Language English

  • Edition Statement Workbook

  • Illustrations note FULL-COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS

  • ISBN10 1644722968

  • ISBN13 9781644722961

  • Bestsellers rank 1,346,853




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