My First Home Learning 是一種令人興奮的互動方式,可以讓孩子們在家上學和遠程學習期間保持參與。 小讀者將加強他們對顏色、數字、字母和第一個單詞等早期概念的了解,並熟悉自然界和家中的物體和動物。 引人入勝的照片和簡單的提示使該系列成為教育橋樑活動的理想選擇。
My First Home Learning is an exciting, interactive way to keep children engaged during homeschooling and distance or remote learning. Young readers will strengthen their knowledge of early concepts, such as colors, numbers, letters, and first words, as well as familiarize themselves with objects and animals in nature and around the home. Engaging photographs and simple prompts make this series an ideal choice for educational bridge activities.