培養你的技能,成為一個探究性的學習者; 確保您使用在全球背景下呈現的概念驅動和以評估為中心的地理方法,自信地駕馭中學專案框架。 - 培養對中學計畫關鍵概念和每章核心相關概念的概念性理解。 - 透過對每章中的探究陳述提出問題來學習。 - 使用由經驗豐富的教育工作者設計的支援和任務為評估的各個方面做好準備。 - 了解如何透過研究計畫和跨學科機會擴展您的學習。 - 透過全球背景下的章節和概念進行國際思考。
Develop your skills to become an inquiring learner; ensure you navigate the MYP framework with confidence using a concept-driven and assessment-focused approach to Geography, presented in global contexts. - Develop conceptual understanding with key MYP concepts and related concepts at the heart of each chapter. - Learn by asking questions for a statement of inquiry in each chapter. - Prepare for every aspect of assessment using support and tasks designed by experienced educators. - Understand how to extend your learning through research projects and interdisciplinary opportunities. - Think internationally with chapters and concepts set in global contexts.