ATL 要點:教育工作者綜合指南提供了教學和評估 ATL 技能的整體方法,使教育工作者能夠培養全面發展的學習者。這項重要資源涵蓋:
核心 ATL 技能:探索對學業成功和個人成長至關重要的認知、情緒和後設認知技能。
課堂實施:發現實用策略和參與活動,將 ATL 技能融入您的課程中。
專業發展:參加全面的 PD 計劃以增強您的 ATL 知識和技能。
無論您是新教師還是經驗豐富的教育家,ATL Essentials 都能提供您所需的工具和指導,幫助學生掌握終身成功的基本技能
ATL Essentials: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators offers a holistic approach to teaching and assessing ATL skills, empowering educators to foster well-rounded learners. This essential resource covers:
Core ATL Skills: Explore cognitive, affective, and metacognitive skills crucial for academic success and personal growth.
Classroom Implementation: Discover practical strategies and engaging activities to integrate ATL skills into your curriculum.
Assessment and Evaluation: Learn effective methods to assess student progress and inform instruction.
Professional Development: Access a comprehensive PD program to enhance your ATL knowledge and skills.
Addressing Challenges: Gain insights into overcoming common implementation hurdles and building a supportive school culture.
Whether you're a new teacher or a seasoned educator, ATL Essentials provides the tools and guidance you need to equip students with the essential skills for lifelong success.