BIOZONE 廣受歡迎的《解剖學與生理學》課程現已大幅升級。這本內容全面、視覺效果極佳的工作手冊現已全彩色化,對人體解剖結構及其主要生理功能進行了詳盡的介紹。章節涵蓋所有 11 個身體系統,使用帶有註釋的圖表將每個系統與身體其他部分的相互作用映射到一起,從而強化了身體系統的相互關聯性。體內平衡是貫穿始終的統一主題,而疾病、醫學和技術、老化和運動四個主題為學生在相關背景下探索身體系統提供了視角。其結果是對人類機能的全面探索。本版最後給出了一系列結構化的研究項目,指導學生深入探索他們感興趣的主題。
BIOZONE’s popular Anatomy and Physiology title has had a significant upgrade. Now in full color, this comprehensive and highly visual worktext provides a sound introduction to the anatomy of the human body and its key physiological functions. Chapters cover all 11 body systems, mapping each to its interaction with the rest of the body using annotated diagrams, reinforcing the interrelatedness of the body systems. Homeostasis provides the unifying theme throughout, and four themes: disease, medicine and technology, aging, and exercise provide lenses through which students explore the body systems within relevant contexts. The result is a rounded exploration of the functioning human. This edition concludes with a set of structured research projects to guide students through an in-depth exploration of a topic that interests them.