此 AP® 生物學單卷書包含完整的內容重組和修訂,以滿足 2020 AP® 生物學 CED 的特定要求。以下列出了內容方法上的主要變化,以幫助您使用此新資源。
基於 CED 中概述的單元和主題的結構,其中內容比例大致根據 CED 中概述的考試權重分配。結構是漸進的,前面的基礎章節為理解後面單元的材料提供了基礎。
大創意和持久理解貫穿所有單元,透過易於使用的標籤系統進行識別,按照 CED 進行顏色編碼,並在本書的介紹中清晰地規劃出來。該標籤系統還標識了六種科學實踐中各自的具體技能。顏色匹配的邊距項目符號可以幫助教師了解解決這些技能的地方。
專門的活動旨在讓學生為 13 項必修調查所需的技能、程序和分析做好準備。
繼續強調使用數據驅動活動,這是 BIOZONE 早期版本的標誌。這些活動為《CED》中所描述的所需技能和實踐的發展提供了強有力的支持。
個人進度檢查,根據第一原則設計和編寫,以解決 AP 生物學考試問題類型(多項選擇題和自由回答題)的特定問題格式。
This single-volume title for AP® Biology embraces a complete restructure and revision of content to meet the specific requirements of the 2020 AP® Biology CED. The following provides a list of the major changes in approach to content that will assist you in using this new resource.
A snapshot of some features:
A structure based on the Units and Topics outlined in the CED, with proportion of content allocated broadly according to the exam weighting outlined in the CED. The structure is progressive, with earlier foundational chapters providing the basis for understanding the material in later units.
Learning objectives for each unit are drawn from the CED and aligned to the activities supporting those activities.
Big ideas and Enduring Understandings spiral across all units, identified by an easy-to-use tab system, color-coded as in the CED and mapped out clearly in the book’s introduction. This tab system also identifies specific skills within each of the six science practices. A color-matched margin bullet helps teachers see where those skills are addressed.
Specific activities designed to prepare students for the skills, procedures, and analyses required in their 13 mandatory investigations.
A continued emphasis on the use of data-driven activities, a hallmark of BIOZONE’s earlier editions. These activities provide strong support for the development of the required skills and practices described in the CED.
Personal Progress Checks, designed and written from first principles to address the specific question format of the AP Biology exam question types (multiple choice and Free Response).
A dedicated final chapter covering each of the science practices and their associated skills. This provides an important supporting reference for students as they work through the units.
A comprehensive glossary of common terms and a summary of mathematical formulas are included.