劇作家、素食屠夫和羊駝農場主人有什麼共通點?兩位受歡迎的專欄作家帶我們走進幕後,訪問了 28 位從事自己熱愛的工作的工人。
在這本訪談集裡,紐約時報專欄作家莎娜·范伯格 (Shaina Feinberg) 和朱莉婭·羅斯曼 (Julia Rothman) 用心而愉悅地帶領世界各地的讀者探索激情和奉獻精神的最深處。認識一位野外消防員、一位衝浪者、一位渡輪船長、一位頭巾設計師、一位無障礙專家,以及許多其他真實的人,他們從事著富有創意、令人著迷且往往很困難的工作,使世界運轉。這首頌揚廣闊而無限的工作可能性的頌歌還包括旨在與年輕讀者展開對話的發人深省的問題,以及關於他們如何自己進行面試的提示。 《工作》收錄了朱莉婭·羅斯曼根據真實場景和照片繪製的引人入勝、細節豐富的藝術作品,是一部充滿靈感和歡樂的作品,旨在向世界各地熱愛自己所做工作的人們致敬。
What do a playwright, a vegan butcher, and an alpaca farmer all have in common? Two popular columnists take us behind the scenes in interviews with twenty-eight workers doing something they love.
With care and delight, New York Times columnists Shaina Feinberg and Julia Rothman take readers all over the world to explore the furthest reaches of passion and dedication in this collection of interviews. Meet a wildland firefighter, a surfer, a ferry captain, a designer of headscarves, an accessibility specialist, and many other real people doing the creative, fascinating, and often difficult jobs that make the world work. This ode to the wild and limitless range of job possibilities also includes thought-provoking questions designed to open conversations with young readers, as well as tips on how they might conduct an interview themselves. Featuring Julia Rothman’s captivating, detailed artwork drawn from real scenes and photos, Work is a work of inspiration and joy thathonors people everywhere who love the work that they do.