這是 12 天系列的另一個歡樂節日,旨在慶祝農曆新年來臨之際的傳統、文化和家庭!年輕的讀者和他們的照顧者會喜歡數數他們能夠參與社區並紀念祖先的所有不同方式。這個簡單的押韻故事配上溫馨的插圖,使這些書成為送給孩子們的完美禮物。
Count out twelve ways to celebrate Lunar New Year! This fun-filled picture book inspired by "The 12 Days of Christmas" is perfect for fans of Natasha Wing's The Night Before series.
This cheery addition to the 12 Days series celebrates tradition, culture, and family in the lead-up to Lunar New Year! Young readers and their caregivers will enjoy counting all the different ways they can engage with their communities and honor their ancestors. This simple rhyming story is paired with warm illustrations, making these books the perfect gift for kids.